Nathaniel Aric Galka in Super 100 Artists

 “Super 100 Artists” is a curated ensemble of creativity and vision, showcasing a blend of established masters and emerging talents whose works enrich the vibrant art scene of the United Arab Emirates. This book stands as a testament to the flourishing cultural dynamism that the UAE embodies, where diverse artistic expressions converge against a backdrop of architectural marvels and cosmopolitan vigor.


The UAE is a beacon of innovation, a place where the echoes of history mingle with futuristic aspirations. It is this blend of the traditional and the modern, the local and the international, that makes the UAE not only a powerhouse of commerce and technology but also a thriving canvas for artistic exploration. “Super 100 Artists” captures this essence, highlighting the unique voices and visions of artists who contribute to the cultural richness of this region.

(ARTOZE Gallery and Exhibitions, 2024)

May 9, 2024